Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Age is just a number...

Buster Martin is an unlikely candidate to set a marathon record. He drinks beer, smokes cigarettes and stays out late. And he's 101. He came out of retirement and returned to work at the age of 99 saying he was "bored after two years of retirement". Martin hold down a job at a plumming firm as a van cleaner three days a week and says he trains for the marathon only in his spare time.

If Martin completes this marathon, will break the previous record of 98 years, held by greek marathon runner Dimitrion Yordanidis. He already holds three world title records for the oldest person to run the 5K, 10K and the half marathon.

According to an article at NBC.com: Martin says that in the last weekend, he's completed a 13-mile half marathon that took him a little more than five hours. It would have been faster, he says, but he says he stopped for a beer and a cigarette. He states "I like running, but not as much as I like beer."

If Martin is not working, training, or sipping on a pint, he may be found singing in his band called The Zimmers. Consisting of over 40 seniors, the band has a combined age of over 3000 years and scored a hit single last year with a cover of The Who's ''My Generation.'' When asked by locals, it was discovered that Martin could actually sing quite well.

After hearing about Martin's story, one would think that taking up smoking or heavy drinking is the key to the fountain of youth; and when asked what his secret was, he stated: "I haven’t got [a secret]. They say fags and booze are bad for you—but I’m still here, aren’t I?”

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